Trippy Food Podcast #1: General Trippiness, Part I


Alie Herrera enjoys baby octopus

Alie Herrera, foodophile, roadtripper and musician

Trippy Foods is pleased to introduce our newest feature, podcasting. In our first podcast, I discuss trippy food and travel with Alie Herrera, who also enjoys visiting unusual places and trying exotic cuisine. If you enjoy the podcasts, let me know (you can leave a comment here or contact me at [email protected]). I’m open for ideas, and would love to engage in conversation about all things trippy with you as well. If you have Skype and would like to participate, please let me know. I welcome your feedback!

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5 Responses to Trippy Food Podcast #1: General Trippiness, Part I

  1. Darrell says:

    I love the podcast! keep it alive.

  2. Eddie Lin says:

    Enjoyed the conversation. Needs more Alie though. You have a good speaking style and rhythm. Nice job!

  3. val says:

    Thanks, Eddie. I enjoyed working with Alie – she’s always willing to try different things and is working on a guest article for the blog. We ought to do one – so much of our off-the-wall conversations about food go without an audience!

  4. Joshua says:

    When does the next Podcast drop?

  5. val says:

    Ask and ye shall receive! I’ve just posted Part II of my conversation with Alie Herrera – enjoy!

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